SKI WITH ALL YOUR HEART! 20th Amateur Humanitarian Giant Slalom Mavrovo
On the slopes of Mavrovo, traditionally every year since 20 years ago the Amateur Humanitarian Giant Slalom (AHGS) is being held.
For the 20th year in a row, companies have the opportunity to help someone through skiing. This year's race will take place from 4 to 6 March.
This year’s race will be held from 4th until 6th of March, as for the funds, it will be donated for the National Federation of Sports and Recreation for People with Disabilities of North Macedonia – Paralympic committee of North Macedonia, sports, voluntary, social-humanitarian organization, established in 1965, whose main goal is to develop, create, unite and represent the sports-recreational activities of all disabled people on the territory of the Republic of Northern Macedonia, regardless of the type, degree and character of disability, as well as the reasons for the occurrence of disability. The funds raised will be used for participating in International Competitions for Disabled Athletes, and to promote the principle "Nothing for persons with disabilities, without persons with disabilities".
NFSRISM-PKSM works on mass and systematic psycho-physical rehabilitation of people with disabilities through sports and sports recreation in order to preserve, strengthen and improve the health of the remaining motor abilities of disabled people, as well as their active and equal inclusion in the society of the Republic of North Macedonia.
WHAT DO YOU NEED TO REGISTER A TEAM? Each company will have the opportunity to register one or more teams, where one team must be composed of 3 participants, only skiers or only boarders, or mixed.
Every team has the right to put his flag/banner on the finish line (2mx1m).
STEP No. 1
Send an e-mail to with the following subject: REGISTERING for the 20th AHGS, and you will receive an mail with an application form.
STEP No. 2
Fill out the application form correctly, and send it attached to the same e-mail address.
STEP No. 3
Pay the registration fee for each team (12.000 mkd a team) on the deponent provided below and send the payment receipt scanned to
Национална Федерација за спорт и рекреација на инвалиди на Северна Македонија – Параолимписки Комитет на Северна Македонија
Краток назив: НФСРИСМ-ПКСМ
Комерцијална Банка Скопје
For reservations, more information and questions, please feel free to contact us at
The first humanitarian giant slalom competition was held back on 7th – 9th of March in 2003. The competition was held on the “Galichki” ski-lift in parallel giant slalom and giant slalom disciplines, with more than 100 competitors (35 teams).